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Death Doula/End-of-Life Coach

Secular Support for Individuals and Families

What is a death doula/end-of-life coach?

    Birth doulas and death doulas function like two sides of the same coin. A birth doula is a trained professional that assists someone before, during, and after childbirth. They work alongside your healthcare team to provide emotional and physical support, education, and guidance to make sure you have a positive birthing experience.

     Similarly, a death doula — also known as an end-of-life doula, end-of-life coach, death midwife, or death coach — assists a dying person and their loved ones before, during, and after death. An end-of-life doula provides emotional and physical support, education about the dying process, preparation for what’s to come, and guidance while you’re grieving.

    “A doula wants to do as much as they possibly can to help facilitate what the person and their family need,” says O’Neill. “Doulas make sure the threads are connected between the dying person and the important people in their lives, including their hospice team.”

   End-of-life doulas aren’t licensed to provide any medical assistance, but they may advocate for the dying person’s wishes and needs while working together with healthcare providers.

“There is value in having an interdisciplinary team, with the idea that different fields have different things they bring to the table,” notes Dr. Harris. “The best way to give great care to someone is to involve different viewpoints, different levels of expertise, and different types of expertise".

Dr. Guditis has hands-on experience with individuals before and during the dying process and with loved ones, before, during, and after. She is honored to be able to support her clients. 

This is not a faith-based service.

Death Doula/End-of-Life Coach fees on a Love Offering basis

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